When historians look back at the era that you and I are living in, they can only give it one name: The Great Madness. This blog has one ultimate purpose: To aid a return to sanity and civilization. This starts with three questions: What is wrong with the world today? Can we fix it? and What unites us? My answer to the first question is: Let’s talk about it frankly, and with old fashioned respect for differences of opinion and best attempts at being objective. My answer to the second question is: Yes, but it will be a long and difficult process and it cannot happen without each of us making some painful personal changes. This project is my answer to that third question – What Unites (all of) Us? Some posts will be about political issues, most will be directly related to education, and all will address the question of what unites us human beings. The unifying theme is how we can work towards peace and civilization. My posts will cover a broad range of topics, with Montessori education as one important sub-theme and philosophy as the other. I will do my best to write all of my entries in layman’s terms.
This blog is primarily philosophical, but also about education. I will be writing much about Montessori education in this blog. Dr. Montessori’s work into how human beings learn was far more deep and detailed than that of any other theorist I have researched. She created a comprehensive general theory about how young human beings learn. You can see the truth of her discoveries come to life whenever you teach young people using her methods. The primary focus of her theory was creating a peaceful race of human beings through natural education. This is why Montessori theory and the state of the world fit together in one blog.
There will be a vetted and moderated discussion board for the public. I hope that you will all disagree with each other a lot. That is my hope, because open disagreement is how we help each other find the truth of things, test ideas, and solve problems. The most important thing about disagreeing, however, is that it keeps freedom alive. But check your emotions at the door. Only objective, polite posts are welcome.